This function is used to extract a tarball downloaded through wget or GITHUB_ARCHIVE. The table below documents the 3 arguments that this function requires

# Arguments

Index Status Description
1 Required Name of the downloaded tarball
2 Required Name of the folder extracted from downloaded tarball
3 Required Folder name where tarball files should be copied to

The function does not take direct paths; the first argument looks for tarballs in build_source, extracts the contents in that same directory, and then copies them over to build_work.

# Example


$(call EXTRACT_TAR,appuninst-$(APPUNINST_VERSION).tar.gz,appuninst-$(APPUNINST_VERSION),appuninst)

The example above extracts the tarball downloaded from GitHub into build_source/appuninst-$(APPUNINST_VERSION) — then, those files are copied to build_work/appuninst.

Last Updated: 2/13/2023, 5:03:54 PM